
Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits

Approved for all ages

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  1. Start
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  3. Dress Up
  4. Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits

Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits - emulate your idols!

Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits is an extensive dress-up game in which you'll be able to dress four friends in the look of their favorite stars.

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The four friends want to emulate their celebrity idols from the dream factory and dress like their beloved stars. Numerous possibilities await you to combine the different pieces of clothing like a celebrity. Whether it's a grunge look from the 90s, a baddie or even a particularly feminine look, you can combine everything and make the four girls look really cool and stylish. Mix and match is the name of the game here! Each of the four girls has an individual closet with designer outfits at their disposal. Cute clothes, but also cool streetwear can be used as well as tight and gaudy dresses or the battered grunge look. How are you going to style them? Remember to choose a matching hairstyle. Caps and hats, handbags and even jewelry can be used as well.

But make up should not be neglected either. Use gemstones or strong colors to draw attention to the eyes and combine the make-up with appropriate clothing to indicate a style direction or to complement the look in a contrasting way.

Now emulate the great stars, combine different styles and play Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits

  • Online since: 07.|10.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits
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