
Hollywood Fashion Police

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  2. Lifestyle
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  4. Hollywood Fashion Police

Hollywood Fashion Police - don't let any fashion sin pass!

Hollywood Fashion Police is a cool lifestyle game in which you'll be able to free four Hollywood divas from their bad looks and restyle them.

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Everyone has a bad day, and when styling and applying makeup, things can go wrong. The Hollywood Fashion Police is on the spot and offers the affected stars an extensive makeover. Smudged make-up and awkward clothing combinations don't look so good on the red carpet or other everyday catwalks.

So style the girls better and change the unharmonious make up variants first. Then you can put together four new looks in evening dress, boho, edgy and rocky and athleisure styles. Combine the matching dresses, skirts, pants and tops with jackets and coats from each style. With a new hairstyle, jewelry, a hat and a handbag or backpack you can complete the outfit. Even the Hollywood fashion police won't have anything to complain about!

Put together four new, harmonious outfits now and play Hollywood Fashion Police free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Hollywood Fashion Police

  • Online since: 23.|02.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Hollywood Fashion Police
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