
Guess It

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Guess It - Find the solution word!

Guess It is a tricky word game in which you have to find a solution word in a maximum of six attempts.

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Similar to the popular hit "Wordle", in this game you have to find a word with five letters. You only have a total of six attempts to find the word, otherwise the round is lost. Puzzle your way through the levels and try to guess the solution in as few steps as possible!

This is what the color markings in the game mean

  • Gray: The letter does not appear in the word.
  • Yellow: The letter appears in the solution word, but is in the wrong place.
  • Green: The letter appears in the word and is in the right place.

Tips and tricks to win in this Wordle variant

  • Start with a word that contains as many vowels as possible, such as "RADIO" or "ADIEU".
  • Pay attention to the color markings and avoid using gray letters that you know will not appear in the solution word.
  • Also avoid using double letters in a word like in "LOTTO" - this way you give away the chance to guess more correct letters.

More tricky word games for fans of letter puzzles

If you liked Guess It, then train your grey cells with a crossword puzzle and find the searched words in Crossword Island.

Prove your sense of language and solve challenging word puzzles! Play Guess It online for free on KibaGames!

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Guess It

Guess It
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