
Grukkle Onslaught

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Grukkle Onslaught

Grukkle Onslaught – Defend the portal!

Grukkle Onslaught is an exciting tower defence game in which you have to protect a portal from an alien invasion.

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As the commander, it is your job to protect the light blue portal from the intruders marching out of the dark purple portal. All enemies must be destroyed before they reach your portal – otherwise you will lose health points or even the level!

The display bar shows you the health of your base, but also how many technology points you have, how many coins you have and which opponent is waiting for you next.

Special weapons help you in the fight against the enemy

There are three different technology weapons. Choose between “Ember”, “Crystal” and “Flux”. “Ember” causes targeted damage, while ‘Crystal’ emits impulse waves and ‘Flux’ slows down the enemy. The technology you choose at the beginning of each level also influences the boss at the end of each round.

The longer you can protect your portal and the more enemies you defeat, the more coins you earn. You can use these to buy new defense systems and improve them.

Consider carefully which technology you invest in at the beginning of a level. The more points you have per weapon type, the further you can upgrade your defense towers. And a strong defense is essential the further you advance in the game. Combine the different types of towers with each other and find the best strategy to defeat the enemy aliens.

Can you save your base and defeat all enemies?

More tower defense games for strategists

Did you like Grukkle Onslaught? Then why not also try Stickman Miners Wars and defend your castle or protect a single tower against hordes of attackers in Tower Defenders.

Fight against the aliens and defend your portal! Play Grukkle Onslaught now for free online on KibaGames!

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Grukkle Onslaught

Grukkle Onslaught
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