
Grand Vegas Simulator

Approved for Ages 6+

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Grand Vegas Simulator
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  4. Grand Vegas Simulator

Grand Vegas Simulator - keep the streets safe in a police car!

Grand Vegas Simulator is a cool police game in which you'll be able to hunt down criminals in a police car and ram gangsters in their getaway vehicles.

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Control with WASD or the arrow keys and start your first mission right away. Your task is to catch the wanted criminals, but also to thwart a bank robbery or escort the president. Ram vehicles to stop them. The warning icon above a car will tell you that you should pursue it. However, sometimes you have to investigate accidents and you should be extra fast at the scene. Now it is important to have a fast speed. Also, steer through the checkpoints without driving around the barriers.  

As a policeman or policewoman in Grand Vegas Simulator, an exciting professional life awaits you and no day is the same as the previous one! By completing the missions you can unlock new police vehicles and also change the designs and stickers of the emergency vehicles.

Get excited about this new car game in 3D, experience adventures as a law enforcement officer and play Grand Vegas Simulator free online on KibaGames!

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Grand Vegas Simulator

Grand Vegas Simulator
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