
Goddess Freya

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  4. Goddess Freya

Goddess Freya - Create springtime Nordic looks!

Goddess Freya is a mythical dress-up game in which you can style a Nordic goddess.

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Freya, also known as Freia or Freyja, which translates as “mistress”, is the Norse goddess of love and marriage. She is one of the most important goddesses in the Norse pantheon alongside Odin, Thor and Loki. She resembles the Roman goddess Venus and is considered the patroness of happiness, love, fertility and spring. She is often depicted as a strong young woman with a golden necklace on a chariot pulled by forest cats.

Immerse yourself in the legendary world of Northern Europe and create your own look for the goddess. Start by choosing a suitable hairstyle for her long hair and decide whether she wears it loose, pinned up or in flowing curls. Decorate her hair with colorful flower arrangements to match her position as the goddess of spring.

Then choose the clothes for Freya. Create an elegant Viking dress from many individual pieces according to your wishes. Complete the outfit with necklaces, golden bracelets and other accessories. According to legend, her necklace, forged by the dwarves and called "Brisingamen", strengthened her magic. Dress her in the magical falcon cloak, which gives her the power of flight, or create your own version of the goddess! Finally, you can add two wild cats to her side.

More lifestyle games for mythology fans

If you liked Goddess Freya, why not style the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and play Greek Gods! Or stick to the Nordic style and play Viking Woman!

Create a divine outfit in Nordic style for the goddess Freya! Play Goddess Freya online for free now on KibaGames!

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Goddess Freya

Goddess Freya
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