
Glam Dress Up

Approved for all ages

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  4. Glam Dress Up

Glam Dress Up - Create classy gala outfits!

Glam Dress Up is a glamorous dress-up game in which you'll design the perfect look for six stars for luxurious occasions.

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Become Hollywood's hottest stylist or an in-demand fashion expert and help the fashion princesses put together stylish outfits for their after parties, theater visits or photo shoots.

Start by choosing the right hairstyle for the occasion and then take care of the clothes. You can choose between glittery dresses or combinations of elegant skirt and top to create the perfect look. For an exclusive party, go with a chic cocktail dress, a classy necklace and, of course, the matching handbag.

Or maybe it's going to the Oscar after-show party? Then you're sure to stand out from the crowd with an extravagant ball gown, fancy jewelry and trendy shoes that round out the outfit.

By choosing the background, you determine the scenery in which you can take great screenshots once you're satisfied with your creation!

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Design chic dresses and glamorous gala outfits for the fashion stars! Play Glam Dress Up online for free on KibaGames!

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Glam Dress Up

Glam Dress Up
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