
From Nerd To Prom Queen

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From Nerd to Prom Queen - Style the new prom queen!

From Nerd to Prom Queen is a new makeover game in which you'll be able to style Ariel for prom.

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Oh no, Ariel is disappointed because her school crush doesn't want to go to prom with her. Yet this is the highlight of the school year that the whole class is looking forward to! And now she's left without a date. But she's not going to let that go. Help your friend prove to herself and the others that they are missing out. To do this, you'll have to give Ariel a complete makeover for the prom, so she can win the Prom Queen vote.

Comb her hair, pluck her eyebrows and take care of her skin and lips. Especially for prom, she wants to wear contact lenses instead of her glasses. Lipstick, eye shadow, mascara and blush are available in a wide selection to create a unique prom look. The last step is a chic hairstyle and an outfit that will make Ariel the eye-catcher of the evening. Choose between short, playful dresses or long, elegant gowns. Or how about a chic pantsuit? Then, if the handbag is just right, you're ready to go. With renewed confidence, she outshines everyone and is elected prom queen along with her school crush, making the two the prom king and queen.

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Now make the mermaid shine and play From Nerd to Prom Queen free online on KibaGames!

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From Nerd To Prom Queen

  • Online since: 08.|02.|2023
  • Publisher: Witchhut (113)
From Nerd To Prom Queen
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