
From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover

Approved for all ages

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  4. From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover

From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover - from Bravado to Glamour!

From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover is a cool lifestyle game in which you'll be able to transform Ariel into Cruella.

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Ariel is tired of her usual look and wants to try something new. She has always wanted to dress up as Cruella in black and white - why not? And since she's really in a funk right now anyway, a villainess makeover is a good idea. So first clean the face and hair of the pretty princess and apply soothing serums and a face mask. After the hair is washed, blow-dried and brushed, you can first recolor it. One side will be black, the other white. Later you can try a new haircut. But first apply a new make up and try colored contact lenses.

After the extensive first part with grooming and makeup comes the selection of the appropriate wardrobe. Black dresses in many different cuts are available as well as black and white dotted or differently patterned classics or two red dress variants. And also the black handbag may not be missing.

With a little bit of imagination, you can restyle the little mermaid really well! Use many beautiful make up products, colors and clothes now and play From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover free online on Kibagames!

Details about

From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover

  • Online since: 28.|01.|2022
  • Publisher: Witchhut (111)
From Basic To Fab Villain Makeover
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