
Feed The Panda

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  4. Feed The Panda

Feed the Panda - unlock sweet candies!

Feed the Panda is a fun animal game based on the Cut the Rope principle, in which you can feed a panda family with candies.

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Off to China, home of the popular black and white panda bears! The cute pandas are hungry and can't get their food on their own. Actually, they prefer to eat bamboo, but you can also please them with the delicious candies.

Cut the ropes on which the candies hang in the right order so that the treats can fall in the direction of the bears. Use the laws of gravity and repeat your move if the food misses its target.

Feeding the little baby panda will earn you extra points, but you can also complete a level by feeding only Papa Panda. However, you will then also receive fewer stars. Also, collect the many copies of the black and white yin-yang symbol, which the Chinese call "Taijitu".

New challenges await you in higher levels. Now the candies float upwards in soap bubbles, which you have to burst at the right moment.

Extra tip: The faster you can complete your tasks, the more points you get.

Cut the Rope and Feed The Panda! Play Feed the Panda free online now on KibaGames!

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Feed The Panda

Feed The Panda
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