
Fashion Stylist 2

Approved for Ages 12+

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  4. Fashion Stylist 2

Fashion Stylist 2 - Create stylish outfits to match the theme!

Fashion Stylist 2 is a cool dress-up game in which you'll have to put together outfits for your model for various occasions.

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Whether it's a festival, a college party or a relaxing day at home on the couch, the right outfit can't be missing! Become a star designer and face the challenge of finding the right look for every situation.

Play either in career mode or compete against other players in exciting competitions in multiplayer mode. In Career mode, you'll embark on a fashion journey to make it big as a stylist. In each level, you'll be given a theme to which you'll have to put together a matching outfit. You can create your personal dream look from a huge selection of clothes. Which top fits best for a girls' night out? Should it be a classy evening dress for dinner in a fancy restaurant or something more casual? You decide!

But beware, at the end your outfit will be rated and you will receive gold coins, depending on how many of the maximum three stars your look has received. With these coins you can buy more clothes and create even more versatile styles.

Prove your fashion taste in the jury

After you get your reward, your fashion knowledge is needed again to evaluate the creations of the other designers. You'll get two outfits on a theme and you'll have to decide which stylist hit the theme better. If your choice matches that of the other jury members, you win gold coins.

In addition to the coins, you'll get tickets that you can use outside of a level to judge young stylists as a jury member. You also have the option to compete against other players. In this case, you'll also have to design an outfit that matches the theme and face the jury's evaluation. If they like your outfit better, you will be rewarded with lots of coins!

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If you liked Fashion Stylist 2, why not play Fashion Holic?

Become a star of the fashion world and design outfits for various events! Play Fashion Stylist 2 online for free on KibaGames!

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Fashion Stylist 2

Fashion Stylist 2
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