
Fashion Repair

Approved for all ages

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  1. Start
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Make Over
  4. Fashion Repair

Fashion Repair - repairing instead of throwing away!

Fashion Repair is a cool lifestyle game in which you can repair and redesign various items.

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Clothes, smartphones or handbags can show signs of wear and tear after prolonged use. But that's no reason to throw them away! Give these items a few more years together with your friends in Fashion Repair by cleaning and repairing them and joining the upcycling trend! Remove the dirt from your smartphone, clean your handbag and sew on new handles. Even the tears in the broken hat can still be sewn. Making things last longer not only contributes to their sustainability, but is also easy on the owner's wallet. And sometimes you are particularly attached to an item of clothing or iPhone and don't want to buy a new one. After repairing things, you can also creatively restyle and upgrade them and give them a new color and pretty decorations.

More lifestyle games for repair fans

If you enjoyed Fashion Repair, then why not try repairing broken cuddly toys in Plushie Doctor?

Saving resources and avoiding waste can be really easy and fun! Grab your virtual sewing kit now, get out the leather care and play Fashion Repair online for free on KibaGames!

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Fashion Repair

Fashion Repair
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