
Fashion Holic

Approved for Ages 12+

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  4. Fashion Holic

Fashion Holic - style the influencer!

Fashion Holic is a cool lifestyle game where you can style an influencer for new social media posts!

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Here you can live out the dream of being a real influencer! You will be given various tasks for new posts on TikTok, Instagram and Co. in the bottom right menu item. For example, you can dress up for a date or get ready for a concert. You can also implement themes such as "cute", "natural", "upbeat" or "elegant".

At the beginning, you'll only have a small selection of clothes to buy, but the more successful you are at designing your outfits according to the given theme, the more clothes and bigger orders and thus Likes you can get. You can then use these Likes to buy more styling options. Styling includes hairstyle, tops, skirts, pants, dresses, shoes or accessories.

Collect lots of likes!

After you select an order with the notepad icon on the bottom right, the theme stays pinned. Then, when it comes to choosing the right things, you can click on the pink "I" on a garment and get information about which theme the textile or accessory fits. In this way, try to combine the outfit according to the given theme as much as possible.

When you are convinced of your look, you can click on "Post". After that your outfit will be rated with points. If you reached the minimum number of points, you were able to complete your task successfully. Your wardrobe expands with each task you pass. The greater your social media reach, the more likely you are to even get assignments from companies that want you to be their promotional face for their product or invite you to events.

Even while you're not playing, you're collecting likes for your posts. You can collect them via the camera icon, because here you can access the timeline of your social channel.

Are you a real fashionista and want to imagine what it's like to show your looks to the world? Become a new social media star now and play Fashion Holic free online on KibaGames!

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Fashion Holic

Fashion Holic
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