
Fantasy Horse Maker

Approved for all ages

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  4. Fantasy Horse Maker

Fantasy Horse Maker - Create beautiful fantasy horse pictures!

Fantasy Horse Maker is a creative horse game in which you can design horses according to your wishes and put together magical scenes.

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Become a horse whisperer and create your dream horses from a variety of options.

Add one of the animals to your picture by clicking on one of the drops at the top of the playing field under "Horses". Then select the horse with the mouse or touch screen to place it in the scene and change its appearance.

There are countless options available to you to design your fantasy horse: For example, determine the pattern of the coat - should it be striped like a zebra or plain white like a white horse? You can also customize the appearance of the hooves, mouth, eyes or mane. You can choose from a wide range of colors to match all the details to your liking. Use the optional magical accessories and decide whether you want to create a realistic horse breed or a magical mythical creature. Turn your pony into a noble unicorn with a horn or create a winged Pegasus - there are no limits to your creativity!

Then choose a suitable background and add a short description of your horse. Add other horses to the picture and create great scenes and stories, for example from the popular animated series "My Little Pony".

More animal fun from Doll Divine

If you liked Fantasy Horse Maker, then why not design cute ponies in Pony Maker!

Create your dream horse in Fantasy Horse Maker and put it in the limelight with its horse friends! Play Fantasy Horse Maker online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Fantasy Horse Maker

  • Online since: 17.|04.|2024
  • Publisher: dolldivine (43)
Fantasy Horse Maker
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