
Ellie: You Can Be Anything

Approved for all ages

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  4. Ellie: You Can Be Anything

Ellie: You Can Be Anything - Style the young fashionista!

Ellie: You Can Be Anything is a new dress-up game where you can dress the young woman with the fashion sense for numerous occasions!

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Just like Barbie, Ellie can wear just about anything and loves to express herself through fashion. For the different looks, you'll first need to put make-up on her. Use eye shadow, lipstick, mascara and blush. Eyebrows also need to be shaped appropriately. Piercings are also available for some themes and styles.
Then dress the young woman for different themes and occasions, for example for a ball or in cool street style. The kidcore look is sweet and cute, the tomboy look is edgy and you can also find pyjamas for the pyjama party and a pretty summer outfit in the selection. Of course, Ellie also wants to dress cool and modern for school. 
For this, there are single pieces to combine or one-piece outfits such as dresses or onesies. Each look also includes different hairstyles, jewellery and accessories. Try it out and prove that Ellie really can wear anything when she feels like it!

Whether elegant, romantic, extravagant or sporty, there's something here for everyone! Play Ellie: You Can Be Anything online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Ellie: You Can Be Anything

  • Online since: 10.|02.|2023
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Ellie: You Can Be Anything
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