
E.I. Soul

Approved for all ages

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E.I. Soul - Solve mysterious criminal cases!

E.I. Soul is an exciting puzzle game in which you'll help detective Rena and her robot friend Moe solve a tricky case.

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A dark secret surrounds the village of Mutsuso, located in the mountains. For some time now, people have been disappearing there without a trace, including the policeman who was supposed to be investigating the case.

Now the government has assigned a female detective from the special unit "Extraordinary Investigation", E.I. for short, to solve the mystery. Rena is assigned only the most difficult cases by her superiors and is assisted by her talkative robot Moe. Together they set off to Mutsuso to find the missing persons.

Explore beautifully drawn levels and solve tricky puzzles in this point & click adventure game. To do this, you'll collect objects and put them in the right place. In addition, exciting number and logic puzzles await you. Train your grey cells and click attentively through the 2D levels. And what would a detective be without a notebook? Click on the pen to make drawings or write down clues.

Use the light bulb icon to get a hint if you get stuck. So grab your robot friend and plunge into a mysterious adventure full of exciting twists and turns!

More adventure games for young detectives

If you liked E.I. Soul, then why not puzzle your way through Abandoned Forest House and escape the mysterious house!

Become a master detective and solve the case of the missing persons! Play E.I. Soul online for free on KibaGames!

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E.I. Soul

E.I. Soul
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