
Dress Up The Pony 2

Approved for all ages

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  4. Dress Up The Pony 2

Dress Up The Pony 2 - Create magical ponies!

Dress Up The Pony 2 is a magical lifestyle game in which you can put together and style your own pony.

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Immerse yourself in the glittering world of friendship and magic of the animated series "My Little Pony". Let your creativity run wild and create your own pony! You decide whether you want to be inspired by your favorite ponies like Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash or design a completely new pony.

Choose from many different colored bodies and add glittery tails, classy hooves and flowing manes in all colors and shapes. You can also add a magnificent horn to your pony's forehead and transform it into a unicorn. Or turn it into a flying Pegasus with butterfly wings. Finally, you can decorate your creation with lots of accessories: Turn your pony into a princess with a golden crown or a sparkling tiara or add hair accessories to the mane and tail. Give your little horse a best friend and have your creation judged. How magical is your styling?

More magical horse games for fans of toy ponies

If you enjoyed Dress Up The Pony 2, why not try styling imaginative unicorns in Unicorn Dress Up?

Design your favorite pony and let your creativity run wild! Play Dress Up The Pony 2 online for free now on KibaGames!

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Dress Up The Pony 2

Dress Up The Pony 2
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