
Doors: Awakening

Approved for all ages

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Doors: Awakening - Open the mysterious doors!

Doors: Awakening is an exciting 3D puzzle game in which you have to solve the secrets of a mysterious door to open it.

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As in the popular “Doors: Awakening” app, this online version features elaborately designed doors that are protected by all sorts of hidden locking mechanisms. If you manage to unlock all the locks, a black cat will run through the open portal.

Use your mouse to rotate the construction in each level or swipe across the touch screen and take a close look at the gate from all sides. Click on individual areas to zoom in and use the back button in the bottom left corner to zoom out again. Pick up useful tools along the way, such as to cut ropes and curtains, operate cranks and open compartments.

Can you solve all the puzzles and help the cat?

More puzzle games for brain teasers

If you liked Doors: Awakening, Escape Room: Home Escape might be the right game for you. In it, you have to find the key to escape in each room of a house. Or you can crack the puzzles behind the doors in 100 Doors: Escape Room.

Discover all the secrets and open the mysterious doors! Play Doors: Awakening now for free online at KibaGames!

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Doors: Awakening

Doors: Awakening
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