
Domino Adventure

Approved for all ages

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  4. Domino Adventure

Domino Adventure - Win exciting duels!

Domino Adventure is an entertaining online version of the classic board game, also known as “Dominoes”, in which you have to place tiles and be the first to reach the required score.

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Compete against various computer opponents in Domino Adventure and try to place all the dominoes before your opponent in your matches.

How to play - Block and Draw

Each player receives seven dominoes at the start of the placement game, with the player with the highest double domino starting. Players take it in turns. Place one of your dominoes on one of the edge dominoes with a matching number as soon as it is your turn. You have 30 seconds to make a move. There are two game modes available in Domino Adventure:

  • Block mode: If you cannot place a tile, you are blocked and skip a turn. The round ends when one player has used all their dominoes or all players are blocked.
  • Draw mode: If you cannot place tiles, you must draw tiles until you can make another move. The round also ends here when a player has discarded all their tiles or no more tiles can be drawn and all players are blocked.

The player with the fewest pips wins the round. The opponent's remaining pips are credited to your own account. As soon as you have reached the required number of points, you win the entire match.

Before each duel, you have the option of customizing your game via the start screen. Set the game mode and decide which points target you want to achieve; there are 15, 50 and 100 point variants.

You receive gold coins as a reward for successful matches. Use your winnings to buy domino sets in the store and equip completed sets via the start screen. You can collect a total of eight sets.

Use the bonus bar in the main menu to receive additional rewards such as bonus gold and domino sets when you win games and achieve the specified goals.

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Embark on an exciting board game adventure, skillfully place tiles and play Domino Adventure online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Domino Adventure

  • Online since: 24.|08.|2024
  • Publisher: Inlogic (149)
Domino Adventure
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