
Dive Masters

Approved for Ages 6+

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Dive Masters - Turn the best flips!

Dive Masters is a cool sports game in which you can jump off a cliff with an athlete of your choice.

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Show us your best tricks and become a master in Dive Masters! You control this simulation with the mouse and can do flips and collect coins during your jump from the cliff. Hold down your finger or the left mouse button and choose the angle at which you want your character to jump off the cliff. Press again to make the character roll in and release at the right moment to make him stretch and hopefully dive into the water well.

Dive into the water as cleanly as possible and practice your best pike jump. Dive Masters challenges all your jumping and diving skills and gives you a real summer feeling like the well known Flip Diving.

For all highscore fans, the distance of your jumps is also displayed. The more rounds you play, the more challenging Dive Masters becomes. You climb the cliff higher and higher and have to hit a smaller target field. The better you get, the higher you can climb your cliff and also collect more coins during your flight. The view on your cliff is especially beautiful here!

Tips and Tricks for Dive Masters 

Dive Masters offers many choices, bonuses and long gameplay with lots of extreme sports and action!

  • Once a day you can win extra coins from a lottery drum.
  • With a bit of gaming experience you can choose your own jumper for the cliff jump.
  • Will you jump with a businessman in a suit, a well-trained karate athlete or an athletic young woman?
  • For even more fun, you can also try your luck as a bear or a penguin and perform stunts in costume.
  • In Dive Masters, practice different stunts and get additional bonuses.
  • Show us your forward and backward somersault - what are you better at? Belly or back flips are not so great, of course.
  • Choose your game background. Do you prefer jumping off rocks or trees?

More fun games for you

If you like Dive Masters, why not play Slice It All?

And now get into the cool water - play Dive Masters online for free on KibaGames and show us your best cliff jumps!

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Dive Masters

Dive Masters
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