
Dinosaurs Merge Master

Approved for Ages 12+

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  2. Match 3
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  4. Dinosaurs Merge Master

Dinosaurs Merge Master - Fight with brave dinos!

Dinosaurs Merge Master is an exciting fighting game where you can have humans and dinosaurs fight together on the battlefield!

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Go into battle with dinos and humans against the enemy red units! Start with simple spear throwers and small green dinos that you can level up by merging. With a boomerang and a big giant lizard it fights much better!

But also the fighting power of your opponents is getting stronger, so arm yourself and strengthen your units as well by merging the same humans and the same dinosaurs and merging them into a stronger version. With each level you complete, you'll earn gold coins, which you can then use to buy either a new dinosaur or a human. The more often you summon them, the more expensive the units become in the continuing levels. In return, however, you will receive more gold coins as a victory bonus in higher levels. Can your troops stand up to the power of the other fighters?

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Jurassic Park fans listen up! Now lead dinos and humans into battle together and play Dinosaurs Merge Master free online on KibaGames!

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Dinosaurs Merge Master

Dinosaurs Merge Master
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