
Design My Beach Bag

Approved for all ages

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  3. Dress Up
  4. Design My Beach Bag

Design My Beach Bag - create a summery bag for your vacation!

Design My Beach Bag is a summer lifestyle game in which you can design your own bag for your summer vacation.

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Straw handbags, which are light and sturdy at the same time, are especially suitable for a visit to the beach. With a big shopper you can carry swimwear and with a small shoulder bag you can enjoy a cold drink at the beach bar.

So first choose the shape of the beach bag and then decide if you want to dye the straw if necessary. Then decorate the beach bag with different patterns and other beautiful details like fringes or pom poms, just as you like. After the beach bag is finished, you can put together four summer outfits. Airy dresses can be found in the selection as well as shorts, skirts and romantic tops. A big summer hat and sunglasses will protect you from the sun and look very elegant. Jewelry and more handbags are also available.

Now let's go on vacation or to the quarry pond! Design a great summer wardrobe and play Design My Beach Bag free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Design My Beach Bag

  • Online since: 01.|06.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Design My Beach Bag
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