
Cute Mermaid

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  4. Cute Mermaid

Cute Mermaid - Create your own mermaid princess!

Cute Mermaid is a fabulous lifestyle game in which you'll be able to design the look and outfit of your mermaid.

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Dive into the magical underwater world and create your dream mermaid look! Start by putting together the perfect hairstyle and choose from many different haircuts. Then you can choose your favorite color for her hair floating in the water. Do you want her to have bright red hair like Ariel or will you choose a different color?

You can also choose her clothes according to your wishes and decorate them with pretty flowers and colorful shells. Of course, a mermaid can't be without a tail and fin! Design both the way you like best and decide on the shape and color of the fin.

After that, choose some chic accessories. You can decide which earrings the mermaid should wear and whether it can be a crown. Bright pearls and glittering necklaces will make her a true princess of the sea!

More imaginative dress up games

If you liked Cute Mermaid, then dive further into the underwater worlds and play Mermaid Underwater Sand Castle Deco.

Create your own fairy princess of the seas and play Cute Mermaid online for free on KibaGames!

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Cute Mermaid

Cute Mermaid
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