
Cursed Treasure 1.5

Approved for Ages 12+

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Cursed Treasure 1.5
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  4. Cursed Treasure 1.5

Cursed Treasure 1.5 - save your treasure through 15 new levels!

Cursed Treasure 1.5 is a cool tower defense game where you can defend your treasures from a lot of crafty thieves!

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15 brand new levels await you! All kinds of robbers with good intentions are after your gems in this fantasy game! Protect them as an overlord with defensible towers and beat back the waves of attackers. At least one gem must still be in your possession at the end of a level.

How to play Cursed Treasures 1.5

Control with the mouse or by swiping and tapping. Build defense towers, which you take from the selection on the right, along the road and let them shoot at your enemies.

  • Not every tower can be built on every surface. The green towers must be on grass, the blue ones on ice land and the red ones on rocks. So green to green, blue to blue and red to red.
  • Each tower can also be built on a hill in the area or a building site with a flag with the three colors.
  • If you build on steam sources, you can get even more mana, which you can use to effect curses.
  • Note that enemies like ninjas or angels can also walk through tunnels or fly over water. However, if they have grabbed a gem, they can only walk.

Tips and tricks - this is how you beat back your opponents!

Use a good strategy and invest the money and mana you earn from defeated enemies to equip your defense system even better.

  • Upgrade your towers when you have collected enough XP. Then a UP will appear next to the respective tower, which you can click and strengthen.
  • Use the curses to clear forests and give you more space to fight.
  • You can also shoot meteors or increase the rate of fire of your towers.
    After selecting the curse, click or tap on the location in Cursed Treasure 1.5 where you want your curse to take effect.

More tower defense games from the popular series

If you like Cursed Treasure 1.5, why not play Cursed Treasure 2 or Cursed Treasure Bonus Level?

Now go for the guns! Play Cursed Treasure 1.5 free online on KibaGames!

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Cursed Treasure 1.5

Cursed Treasure 1.5
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