
Classic Mine Sweeper

Approved for all ages

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  4. Classic Mine Sweeper

Classic Mine Sweeper - Watch where you click!

Classic Mine Sweeper is a nerve-wracking puzzle game in which you have to uncover all the boxes on the playing field without triggering one of the hidden mines.

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You will be familiar with the game principle from the classic computer game “Minesweeper”, which was pre-installed on Microsoft operating systems from Windows 3.1. In this online version of the minesweeper game, you also have to use logical thinking and a bit of luck to find out which squares the bombs are hidden under and avoid them. The aim of the game is to uncover all the squares that do not conceal a mine.

How to play

Use the mouse or touch screen to click on one of the square boxes on the playing field to uncover it. If you hit a mine, the game is lost immediately. Uncovered squares that do not contain a mine show the number of mines in the eight adjacent squares. Proceed strategically and find out under which squares the bombs are hidden. If you tap on a hidden square for longer, you can mark it with a flag to memorize the possible position of a bomb. You can also remove a flag in the same way.

Tips and tricks for defusing bombs

  • Winning in this game also requires a bit of luck. Therefore, collect as much information as possible at the beginning by randomly clicking on boxes that are far apart on the map in order to uncover large areas.
  • Then proceed logically for as long as possible and uncover all the squares that you can be sure do not contain a mine. Also mark the fields that are certain to contain a mine.
  • If an uncovered square shows the number 8, it is surrounded by bombs.

Set a best time

Choose one of the three difficulty levels and train your analytical thinking. How quickly can you uncover all the boxes?

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Uncover all the squares and avoid explosions! Play Classic Mine Sweeper online for free now on KibaGames!

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Classic Mine Sweeper

Classic Mine Sweeper
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