
Cinderella & Prince Charming

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Cinderella & Prince Charming - Dress the royal couple!

Cinderella & Prince Charming is a fairytale dress-up game in which you can dress Cinderella and her prince in gallant robes.

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Surely you know the famous princess story where Cinderella meets her prince at a ball and all sorts of entanglements and the loss of a shoe occur. With the help of the golden dancing shoe, the prince finally finds his beloved again. 

Choose between three different couple versions of the famous fairy tale characters and first select the matching hairstyles. Dresses for Cinderella and tops and trousers for Prince Charming are also available in abundance. Magnificent ball gowns and royal robes, velvet and silk capes, shoes and flowers and, of course, crowns or tiaras adorn the royal couple.

The game is played with the mouse or the finger. Touch the categories and then choose between the corresponding items. You can also hold down and swipe left or right to see more options. The golden icons represent clothes and accessories for Cinderella, and the white icons represent clothes and accessories for the prince.

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Cinderella & Prince Charming

Cinderella & Prince Charming
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