
Chibi Unicorn

Approved for all ages

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  4. Chibi Unicorn

Chibi Unicorn - Create a cute unicorn!

Chibi Unicorn is a magical lifestyle game in which you can create numerous unicorns in the popular manga style!

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In this unicorn avatar maker, create many of the pretty pony mythical creatures according to your own taste. To do this, you'll follow three steps and first choose a basic unicorn body. You can then color it in different colors and patterns and add facial features, mane, hairstyle and tail. Of course, the unicorn on the forehead must not be missing from your little horse! 
With fantastical hooves or shoes it continues and also accessories and clothing are available. How about a halter or a warming horse blanket in soft tones? Noble jewelry also pleases the magical creature and with the matching wings it becomes a Pegasus! Quite in the cute kawaii style, the colors are bright and pastel. And rainbow patterns and glitter simply belong to a Chibi Unicorn!
Optionally choose sparkling animation effects and save your picture for your collection. How about creating another Chibi Unicorn right away or designing a whole herd for your picture?

More cute dress up games for horse fans

If you like the style of Chibi Unicorn, why not play Pony Maker with the My Little Pony characters!

Create your own magical herd of ponies in the app's online game now and play Chibi Unicorn free online on KibaGames!

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Chibi Unicorn

Chibi Unicorn
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