
Chess Duel

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Chess Duel – Checkmate your opponent!

Chess Duel is an exciting chess game in which you can train your chess skills in one- to twelve-minute games.

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In this online board game, you not only have to be clever, but also fast! Play chess against a virtual opponent in three time modes. The Bullet Chess mode offers you games that last one or two minutes. The Blitz Chess mode lasts three or five minutes and the Rapid Chess mode lasts ten or twelve minutes. If you don't manage to defeat your opponent in this time, you lose the round.

The aim is the same as in classic chess: you have to checkmate your opponent's king, i.e. put him in a position where there is no legal move for him to escape.

These are the basic moves the pieces can make:

  • Pawn: Moves one space straight ahead, but captures one space diagonally forward. On the first move, it can move two spaces straight ahead.
  • Rook: Moves any number of spaces in a straight line horizontally or vertically.
  • Knight: Moves in an “L”-shaped pattern: two spaces in one direction and then one space at a right angle, or vice versa. Knights can jump over other pieces.
  • Bishop: Moves any number of spaces diagonally.
  • Queen: Moves any number of spaces in a straight line horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • King: Moves one space in each direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally).

Train your logical skills in various quick chess games, climb the rankings and play your way up to the diamond league! Will you become the grandmaster?

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Details about

Chess Duel

  • Online since: 09.|03.|2025
  • Publisher: Inlogic (147)
Chess Duel
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