
Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors

Approved for Ages 12+

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Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors - Defeat your candy opponents!

Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors is an action-packed fighting game in which you have to fight hordes of sweet enemies with heavy weaponry.

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The Candy Battle has begun! Just like in the popular arena shooter “Brotato”, you have to take out waves of enemies with a sophisticated arsenal of weapons. Only here it's not aliens that are after your life, but cookies, cupcakes, marshmallows and other sweets! Defend yourself in 10 areas and equip your character with up to six weapons that automatically fire at your enemies.

After each round, you have the chance to invest your earned coins in upgrades, buy new weapons and get useful items that help you fight. Use a magnet, for example, to collect all the coins lying on the playing field, protect yourself with a shield, increase your running speed or get more gold. Combine more items in your inventory and strengthen your game character.

Can you defeat all the bosses and win the Candy Battle?

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Destroy all the sweets and become the candy champion! Play Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors now for free online on KibaGames!

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Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors

Candy Battle: Sweet Survivors
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