
Campus Divas

Approved for all ages

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  4. Campus Divas

Campus Divas - Chic in the schoolyard!

Campus Divas is a new dress-up game in which you'll be able to put together great outfits for six schoolgirls to wear to school.

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Sometimes life is the best catwalk! School means classes, homework, sporting events and, of course, dates. The six girlfriends see themselves as true school divas and they want to prove that with their outfits. Therefore, dress each of them glamorous, but is suitable for school. Combine blouses with jeans or skirts or dress them up in pretty dresses. Chic tights also look good. And how about a stylish hairstyle, jewelry, a hat or glasses? The matching handbag should not be missing either and items like a smartphone, bubble tea or a cute candy complete the look and can be held by the girls. With the right fashion sense you will satisfy the Campus Divas.

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Details about

Campus Divas

  • Online since: 03.|05.|2023
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Campus Divas
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