
Cactus McCoy

Approved for Ages 6+

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Cactus McCoy - Break the curse of the thorns!

Cactus McCoy is an exciting action platformer in which you can experience thrilling adventures with the popular hero and break the curse of the thorns!

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The hero of the Flash Game era is back! Play the first part of the iconic Cactus McCoy series now with the help of a Flash emulator!

During a treasure hunt in the Wild West, something goes terribly wrong and the adventurer McCoy is transformed into a walking cactus by the ancient Curse of Thorns. McCoy's task now is to return the thorny emerald to its true home. If he fails to do so, the curse will continue until he is transformed into a lifeless stone cactus. Run, jump, shot and fight your way through an army of Enemigos sent by the monstrous Hex Hatfield.

How to play Cactus McCoy and the Curse of Thorns

Controls: Use the arrow keys to run, A to jump and S to attack. For more information, see the game tutorial.

  • Find and learn to wield a variety of weapons like a real cowboy in the many dangerous areas through which your path will take you.
  • Use everything from sharp machetes to huge bazookas.
  • On your journey, discover the missing pieces of the map that will lead you to the source of the curse.
  • Learn the art of "Enemigo Juggling" to steal their weapons and money.
  • You can then use your loot to upgrade your various combat stats.

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Can you become the toughest cactus in town and break the ancient curse of the thorns? Find out now and play Cactus McCoy free online on KibaGames!

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Cactus McCoy

Cactus McCoy
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