
Bomb It 8

Approved for Ages 6+

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  1. Start
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  4. Bomb It 8

Bomb It 8 - Make it BOOM!

Bomb It 8 is a cool action game in which you'll confront opponents in a maze and defeat them by cleverly placing bombs.

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At the beginning you choose your character, the level, the number of opponents and the mode. You'll have different maps available, and you can choose whether you want to play in the classic arcade mode or prefer to play without bombs in the weapon mode. Alternatively, you can collect as many coins as possible in Coin Collect mode or take a flag from your opponents in Capture the Flag mode.

Use the arrow keys to steer your character through the levels and the spacebar to place bombs or use collected weapons. Blow up obstacles and defeat your opponents with well-placed bombs.
The better you are, the more coins you get at the end of a round. With these you can buy new characters, vehicles or cool skins for your bombs in the menu. You can also equip your character with fancy accessories!

So, arm your bombs and jump into Bomb It 8!

More explosive Bomb It 8 games

If you enjoyed Bomb It 8, why not play the other installments in the Bomb It series like Bomb It or Bomb It 7.

Are you ready for a bombastic adventure? Then play Bomb It 8 online for free on KibaGames!

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Bomb It 8

Bomb It 8
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