
Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge

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Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge - style Ellie for every dance!

Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge is a fun dress up game where you can match and rate outfits to different dance styles for Ellie's social media posts.

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Style the best outfits for different dance styles by spending your money on matching tops, skirts, pants, dresses and accessories. The signature shoes will also give you a good score in the hashtag competition. Fill your closet and mix and match the different pieces to create matching dance costumes.

Start with ballet, which is followed by standard ballroom dancing. Street dance is done with wide pants and baseball caps. Hula dance requires a skirt made of raffia and disco and Zumba make the dancer sweat quite a bit. A cheerleader will, of course, swing the pompoms and flamenco is danced in the appropriate shoes and tiered long skirts. Edit your Barbie-esque model's photos with filters and have Ellie post her outfits under the appropriate # on Instagram and the like. If the look matches the keyword, it will get a good rating.

Which dance do you like the most? Put together the most beautiful looks for flamenco and waltz now and play Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge

  • Online since: 20.|08.|2021
  • Publisher: Witchhut (113)
Blondie Dance Hashtag Challenge
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