
Block Blast

Approved for all ages

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  4. Block Blast

Block Blast - Solve the block puzzle!

Block Blast is a tricky puzzle game in which you have to line up different Tetris-style blocks in the right order in a grayed-out field.

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Tetris was yesterday! In this brainteaser, you have to place blocks reminiscent of the bricks from the classic video game in the given shape on the playing field. Test how good your combination skills are in 50 challenging levels and recreate all the patterns!

This is how you play

All available blocks are displayed in the lower third of the playing field. Move them into the gray area at the top so that the shape is completely filled. The challenge? Once you have placed an element, you can no longer move it. So think carefully about how you have to arrange the pieces to solve the level. If you make a mistake, you can reset the level using the circular arrow in the top bar and start over. Take as much time as you need – there is no timer!

It's best to start with the large block shapes and then work your way logically to the smaller ones. Usually there is only one suitable place to put the large blocks.

Can you manage to master all levels and recreate the shapes correctly?

More puzzle games for brainiacs

Did you have fun with Block Blast? Then you might also like the online version of the popular gaming app Blocksss. In it, you have to fill in geometric shapes with puzzle pieces. Or take a look at the many different game modes in Block Puzzle Blast and form rows of blocks.

Arrange the figures correctly and solve the puzzles! Play Block Blast now for free online at KibaGames!

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Block Blast

Block Blast
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