
Billion Marble

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Billion Marble - Become a billionaire by buying land!

Billion Marble is a fun Monopoly-style board game where you have to buy and develop lands to become a billionaire!

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Play super rich Monopoly in single player mode against the AI or in 2 vs. 2 team on one device or against the AI as well. Your goal is to acquire as much property as possible in the form of country tiles, collect tolls from your fellow players when they land on your property, and make it to billionaire.

And here we go! Roll the dice and run across the board. On the field you land on, you can perform various actions. Buy a land, if it is still available, or take it over from a fellow player by betting an even higher purchase sum. Therefore, as the owner, you should upgrade your land to the highest level with a landmark as soon as possible to prevent it from being snatched away by an opponent.

During the game there are economic booms and recessions that make objects more expensive and cheaper, so when buying you should always pay attention to whether the price has just changed. You can also land on different event and action squares, or on the desert square where you have to sit out.

How do you win and lose in Billion Marble?

To win in Billion Marble, it is very important to earn money. As a player, you should collect lands of the same color or from the same group if possible, in order to increase the tolls players have to pay when they land on one of these fields. If you are ever in need of money, you can also sell your assets again. If a player runs out of money and can't pay any more tolls and taxes, he or she has lost the game.

There are several ways to win:

  • Economic dominance: if all opponents go bankrupt, you automatically win.
  • Accumulate a billion in money and possessions.
  • Own all countries in a row on the board, except tourist spots and inventions.
  • Own all tourist spots and inventions.

More exciting board games for you

If you like Billion Marble, try the online versions of other classic board games and dice games, for example Ludo Legend!

Can you accumulate enough riches to win with the right strategy? Roll the dice to victory now and play Billion Marble free online on KibaGames!

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Billion Marble

Billion Marble
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