
Best Viral Makeup Trends

Approved for all ages

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Best Viral Makeup Trends - try out the latest makeup techniques!

Best Viral Makeup Trends is a cool lifestyle game in which you can recreate various current makeup variations.

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Great new makeup techniques are presented on many different internet channels today and sometimes spread like wildfire. In Best Viral Makeup Trends, recreate various new color combinations that have already gone viral.

First prepare a suitable primer and then apply five different make ups. Use primer, foundation and bronzer to sculpt your facial features, and eyebrows should also be filled in and emphasized in preparation. Then swing the brush and apply make-up to the eyes, lips and cheeks. With a matching mascara you can emphasize the eye look. There are no limits to your imagination this year and you can use the brown tones of the 90s as well as many colorful eye shadows and kajal and lipstick variations. Glitter stones and stars can be used to complete the imaginative viral makeup.

Try out all sorts of makeup cards that are currently high in demand and play Best Viral Makeup Trends free online on KibaGames!

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Best Viral Makeup Trends

  • Online since: 18.|05.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Best Viral Makeup Trends
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