
Baby Hazel Helping Time

Approved for all ages

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  4. Baby Hazel Helping Time

Baby Hazel Helping Time - support mom and dad!    

Baby Hazel Helping Time is a cute children's game in which the little girl supports her family around the house with your help.    

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Baby Hazel wants to take responsibility and help her parents with household chores. Fulfill all her needs simply by using the mouse or by tapping.    

In the first level Baby Hazel takes care of her little brother Matt. Not only does she read to him, but she also plays with him and gives him his bottle. And because Baby Hazel helps out, she even cleans up the nursery. Mommy will be happy about that! In the second level, Baby Hazel helps her dad and irons his office clothes and packs his briefcase and lunch box. Put all the necessary items from the desk into the bag so that Daddy Hazel can take them to work. But what is this? As Papa Hazel is about to leave, he notices that the car is all dirty. Baby Hazel jumps in here too and washes the car so that it shines again. In level 4 it's the garage's turn. Here, too, Hazel cleans up and tidies up on her own. Finally, she takes care of the dishes and helps her mother in the ktichen. Her parents couldn't ask for a better daughter!     

Let's go! Bring joy into the family's everyday life and play Baby Hazel Helping Time for free online on KibaGames!

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Baby Hazel Helping Time

Baby Hazel Helping Time
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