
BFF Summer Shine Look

Approved for all ages

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  4. BFF Summer Shine Look

BFF Summer Shine Look - summer, sun, sunshine!

BFF Summer Shine Look is a summery dress-up game in which you can put together stylish outfits for six friends for a day at the beach.

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Take a vacation from everyday stress and plan a relaxing day at the beach with your BFFs! But before you head to the sea for a swim and the beach bar, you have to help the young women find the perfect summer outfits.

Go to your friends' closets and put together the perfect look from lots of different items of clothing. Start with the hair and choose a suitable hairstyle. Then you can take care of the outfit. Choose from lots of summer dresses in light pastel colors or combine summery tops with floral patterns with short jeans or colorful skirts. Round off your creations with matching accessories, such as themed earrings with fruit or shiny gold chains. Of course, stylish sunglasses are a must on a day at the beach!

Discover the unique style of each of the six friends and create your own summer collection. What's your favorite thing to wear when it's really hot outside?

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Style the six BFFs for a sunny day at the beach and create summery looks! Play BFF Summer Shine Look online for free now on KibaGames!

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BFF Summer Shine Look

BFF Summer Shine Look
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