
Aesthetic Trends Adventure

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Aesthetic Trends Adventure - post new pictures with great looks!

Aesthetic Trends Adventure is a cool dress up game where you can dress Anna and Elsa as a soft girl, in Y2K or in preppy style.

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The two sisters are taking part in a new social media challenge and styling outfits in different aesthetics for it. First, draw a card naming the aesthetic in demand and then choose the right clothes and hairstyles to create the look you're looking for. Y2K, the fashion of the millennials, is also included as well as the e-girl or VSCO girl style.

Add matching sunglasses, makeup and a hand accessory to complete the look while the sisters stand side by side. Then customize the selfie afterwards with filters, stickers and a background and earn money for the next rounds of games with your likes.

Which fashion style do you like best? Style ten new outfits now and play Aesthetic Trends Adventure free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Aesthetic Trends Adventure

  • Online since: 24.|04.|2022
  • Publisher: Witchhut (113)
Aesthetic Trends Adventure
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